Publication of the study on the impact of the international sector in Geneva
Publication of the study on the impact of the international sector in Geneva
Initiated in 2023 and conducted by the University of Geneva, the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and the Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève, this study analyses the public and private international sector from several perspectives: economic and fiscal impact, housing, mobility and the environment.
The purpose of the study?
1. To present a detailed and up-to-date overview of the impact of the international sector in Geneva.
2. To dispel certain preconceived ideas.
3. To provide a solid statistical and academic framework to guide political decisions concerning the international development of our canton.
The Fondation pour Genève was proud to present the results of this analysis with its partners: the Swiss Confederation, the Republic and Canton of Geneva, the City of Geneva, the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes Genève and the Groupement des Entreprises Multinationales.
Consult the context and key figures (English)
Press review
Prof. Giovanni Ferro Luzzi’s interview on RadioCité
Discussion on the “Parlons économie” programme on Radio Lac
Article in Journal de l’Immobilier