Major Project 2023: study on the impact of international Geneva
Measuring the economic and fiscal impact of international Geneva
For more than 45 years, the Fondation pour Genève has been working for the influence and attractiveness of Geneva, in close collaboration with the federal and Geneva authorities. The Foundation has commissioned the University of Geneva, the Geneva School of Management and the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL) to update our successful International Geneva Impact Study conducted in 2014. The objective of the study is to measure the economic and fiscal impact of the international sector on the Lake Geneva region, taking into account diplomatic missions, international governmental and non-governmental organisations and multinational companies. More generally, it focuses on the factors that contribute to the attractiveness of the region today, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
The attractiveness of Geneva, through all its framework conditions, must be developed in order to maintain international and intercantonal competitiveness. The study carried out in 2014 scientifically demonstrated the decisive importance of the international sector on our soil. Geneva attracts not only international governmental and non-governmental organisations, but also a multitude of organisations and companies on its territory. All these qualities make Geneva a flagship city for Switzerland’s influence in the world, with the corollary that our canton is highly dependent on the success of its delicate mission. This dependence is the source of its prosperity.
We have observed a deterioration in the framework conditions over the past few years and we believe it is important to act to enable entrepreneurs to continue to invest in our Canton. In this context, 2023 will be a year of challenges, with two important tax initiatives, including the one on 12 March, when the people of Geneva will have to vote on Initiative 179 “Against the virus of inequality”. Behind this choice lies the question of the Canton’s attractiveness, which it is essential to preserve. We invite you to visit the State of Geneva website to read their press release.
Marc Pictet, President