GO solutions durables – Which solutions to respond to the climate emergency?
Léman Bleu
What are the solutions to the climate emergency?
Philippe Verdier welcomes Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General Emeritus of the World Meteorological Organization, author of the Foundation’s next report for Geneva which will be published in early May. Other guests include climate experts Elena Manaenkova, WMO Deputy Secretary General, and Anne-Claire Fontan, WMO Chief Scientist.
Reports also on the mobilization of the ICRC, the international projects of the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, and the benefits of information collected by satellites.
Watch the April 13, 2022 broadcast now.
In partnership with the Fondation pour Genève, the SIG, the Service cantonal du développement durable, the Republic and Canton of Geneva, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAE), the SDG Lab, the Perception Change Project of UNOG.