GO solutions durables – Real estate and climate change
Léman Bleu
Real estate and climate change.
Real estate is one of the main sources of CO2 emissions. Faced with the challenges of climate change, the sector is reinventing itself through new practices and huge renovations. Geneva, however, is taking a global approach where history and geography are feeding the reflection.
With Babina Chaillot-Calame, cantonal curator of buildings, Francesco della Casa, cantonal architect and Maude Sauvain, geographer, director of Latitude durable.
Watch the January 19, 2022 broadcast now.
In partnership with: the Fondation pour Genève, the SIG, the Service cantonal du développement durable, the Republic and Canton of Geneva, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAE), the SDG Lab, the Perception Change Project of UNOG.