Foundation Prize
Laureate 1998
Rodolphe Huser
1998 Prize awarded to Rodolphe Huser, General Manager of Orgexpo-Palexpo
Tuesday, November 3, 1998 at 4:30 pm, Foyer of the Grand Théâtre de Genève
The Fondation pour Genève has chosen to honour Mr. Rodolphe Huser, General Manager of Orgexpo, by designating him as the winner of the 1998 Fondation pour Genève Prize. The ceremony took place in the presence of the Geneva authorities, numerous personalities, friends and journalists as well as the Mayor of Lucerne.
The speeches by Ivan Pictet, President of the Fondation pour Genève, André Hédiger, Mayor of the City of Geneva and Gérard Ramseyer, President of the State Council of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, as well as the eulogy by Mrs. Françoise Demole, all paid a vibrant tribute to the man who, during his forty years of activity at Plainpalais and then at Palexpo, contributed, through his extraordinary commitment, to making Geneva a world rallying point through exhibitions and some 200 local events. Known by the nickname of “Mr. Motor Show”, Rodolphe Huser has, through his quiet strength, his organizational skills and his contacts throughout the world, succeeded in making Orgexpo-Palexpo a powerful instrument of economic development for Geneva.
It should be mentioned that the Laureate chose to give the Prize awarded to him by the Fondation pour Genève (a donation from the Georges-Junod Fund of the Fondation pour Genève) to the Steinhof retirement home in Lucerne, his home town.
A toast was offered in the Foyer du Grand Théâtre by the City and Canton of Geneva at the end of the ceremony.