About us
The Fondation pour Genève is a private institution of recognized public interest, that aims to enhance Geneva’s renown, attractiveness and openness to the world, in particular by working closely with the federal and cantonal authorities to promote Geneva’s international development. It supports and federates the International Circle, the Diplomatic Club of Geneva, the Eduki Foundation, the GVA2 Association and the Newcomers Network. t It is directed by Fabrice Eggly and chaired by Marc Pictet.
With the support of multinational companies, private patrons, and other institutions, the Fondation pour Genève dedicates more than one million Swiss francs each year to the promotion of Geneva and the region.
The Foundation was established on 13 January 1976, in accordance with Article 80 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code. It is registered in Geneva’s Commercial Register and is subject to the supervision of the Federal Supervisory Board for Foundations, in Bern. It is entirely non-profit and is neither political nor religious in nature.